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Friday, September 9, 2011

In Christ

Last night at Grouplife we started our 7-week focus on Romans 8, and zeroed in on what it means to be "In Christ". To me, being "In Christ" means that in everything you do, say, or think, you are reflecting and channeling Jesus Christ. You are a fully devoted disciple and it is obvious to the world around you that you are. But the best part of being "In Christ" is that though it is not necessarily going to be easy, following God full-heartedly does make something easier. Being "In Christ" means you have an identity. Before you searched & searched and couldn't find who you truly are, but as you follow Christ and live in love, your purpose will unravel and your identity will be clear. Not being able to find an identity is frustrating and it will never make complete sense if one tries to search on their own. But with our lives "In Christ" and our identities built on Him, we gain a new confidence and direction, something only Christ can pour into us.This quote from the book Captivating explains it in a great way (the references can be changed to male, of course):
"A woman in Christ ... knows whose she is, and therefore knows who she is. " -Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge pg. 199
This quote is totally reaffirming that those who realize they belong to Christ and are in him ultimately know who they themselves are. God gave us each personalities and crafted each of us a beautiful lifestory, and by being "In Christ" that story of who we are meant to be unravels. But when we do not follow God, we stray from our identities - who we are meant to be - and in that, we are lost.

I think anyone who believes that they are "In Christ" can remember when they were lost. But now that we've found God, our life has become new in our true identities. To me, that is what is crucial. Anyone who is "In Christ" shows clear evidence in their lives that they have changed and that they are drastically different from their past in perspective and interactions. Yes, God has made us into new creations - the old has gone and the new has come. And in that new life is our identity in Christ, and it's the most fulfilling life ever, even beyond what we could hope for.