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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Not Judgment Day Yet

I'm sure you might've heard about the buzz around today, May 21st being Judgment Day. And that clearly has not happened. Jesus clearly states in the Bible that we will not know when he returns, only God does. Judgment day will sneak on us like a thief in the night. It's not something that can be predicted, and won't fulfill a prediction on a specific day. The Bible is clear as daylight on that:

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. - Matthew 24:36 (ESV)

Morever, Revelations speaks so much about what the Rapture will be like. Earth and its denizens will be deeply uprooted and put into turmoil by natural disasters and lack of faith. And although we have had numerous devastating natural disasters lately, this is nothing compared to what Revelations goes into detail about.

But more important than anything else is something my Dad was talking about. He heard this from a pretty well-known Christian radio speaker. This man explained in a letter to the people group believing in May 21st as Judgment Day, that though he hoped for Jesus to return and for us to be reunited with him on this day, it isn't how God says it will work. God will give us the ability to discern his son's coming. He will let us know that Jesus is back at the time of his return, because we will be ready and we will know, when other people may not know. As for predicting the day of his return, we will not be able to predict it and it's not our job to try and do it. And just as a good rule of thumb, we should live each day as the last. Because our lives can be taken away at any time and Jesus could return at any time as well.

Bottom line: we cannot ever possibly judge the day when God will judge us. But when it happens, we will know, and for those that are ready, it will be the best feeling of knowing ever.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is definitely true. And for everyone who's making rapture jokes? Especially Christians? We should be praying for those poor people who sacrificed everything because they truly believed May 21st was going to be the rapture. They sold their houses, quit their jobs, everything. And then, not only did they lose all their possessions, but their also lost their faith. It's a crushing thing.
