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Sunday, April 10, 2011


So lately I've been wandering through life super unsure of myself and what I'm supposed to be doing. Part of the student leadership program at OCC that I'm involved with is participating in the Chazown experience (click on the title to go to the webpage). For those of you that don't know Chazown is either a Greek or Hebrew(not really sure.....) word for vision and you should definitely check out the website. In this experience, we are finding vision for our lives that will follow along with God's plan and purpose. I had to set some goals in order to get my life into a place where I can really serve God's purpose for me. I have decided to work on my work/school life and my relationships with people, and hopefully by writting this, it'll keep me accountable for myself and anyone who reads this can help keep me acountable. So here tis': 1) work/school: for 30 days, i will do all my homework and come prepared to class every day 2) relationships: for 90 days, i will call at least one person once a week that I do not talk to often So here's the rundown: This isn't something I can do on my own, but it's going to be something I do with the Lord's strength and prayer. Feel free to chat to me about this. :)

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