
We are so glad you are here, whether you stumbled upon this by accident or arrived by a link. This blog is written by multiple authors, with a common love for Jesus.
We write to share our thoughts on the world, of the Bible, and in life. These posts are inspired by Jesus' remarkable life & love for us. Through our God-centered inspirations, we wish to spread some encouragement, wisdom, and hope.
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1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will
-Romans 12:1 (NIV)

Let me tell you a story… There was a man name Samuel whom God asked to choose a new king. Samuel went to Jesse’s house and looked at all of his sons. Many were tall, dark, and handsome! Samuel thought that God would want a strong, tall king. (Samuel 16:7) But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things at the people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” God wanted Samuel to choose David as the king. David didn’t “look” like a king, but the bible says that David was, “a man after God’s own heart.”

All my life, people have been aware of my learning disability. During elementary school, I learned in another classroom and felt awkward. I had difficulty making friends and was bullied. But, God doesn’t look at the outward appearance. He sees my heart… just like he saw David’s heart. He has a purpose and a plan for me, just like he purposed David to become king.I made the decision to make Jesus Lord of my life when I was in 7th grade at a retreat. I then realized that I was a sinner, separated from Jesus. I also realized that only He could forgive and free me. It was like the words of Jeremy Camp’s song, “Hope is here. Shout the news to everyone. It’s a new day, peace has come. Jesus saves. Mercy triumph at the cross. Love has come to rescue us. Jesus saves!” Since that day, Jesus has changed me by the power of His Holy Spirit. He has changed me in many ways. Here are three:

1. Jesus has blessed me with friends
Two summers ago, I met a guy named Jeff. When I found out that he was a Christian, I was excited to get to know him. The thing I loved about Jeff was his love for Jesus. I remember one night; I went to Westminster Chapel with him. That night I met Madison, Amy and Michael. Looking back, Jesus was so faithful during that time. He showed me that God does not make junk. After two years of friendship, I thank God that he has brought these dear friends into my life. I consider them to be a blessing from God.

2. God gives me joy (especially through worshipping him in song) Psalm 33.1
“Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous it is fitting for the upright to praise him”
Music has always been an important part of my life. When it’s time for worship, I feel closer to Jesus. I believe that worship is an outward expression of my inward love for Jesus. During worship, I especially enjoy singing “Dancing Generation”

3. Let’s be real…I love God!!
I love Overlake’s motto:”Love God, Love people, and serve the world.” This motto motivates me to serve and love as Jesus did. I want to thank student ministries for having the “praction” series. The main focus was love God. I remember watching a clip of the “Passion of the Christ.” When I saw Jesus taking up the cross and walking up the hill, I realized He did love me, He paid the ultimate price.

All my life, people have been aware of my learning disability. I felt awkward and insecure. However, I have come to realize that even though I learn differently, God looks at my heart…”I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” I am grateful that God brought my friend, Jeff and his friends into my life. Through them, I have learned to be more confident and experienced true friendships through Christ. Music has always been a huge part of my life, when I sing worship songs; I have joy and peace within me. Through the ministries at Overlake, I have learned that God loves me unconditionally. He accepts and loves me just the way I am.