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Sunday, August 21, 2011


These past few days have been a stark reminder to me of how important it is to let distractions get in the way of God. It's come for me in the form of my expectations and ambitions disappointing me. This whole past year, ever since the end of January, God has undoubtedly and unceasingly been growing me. But it's because I've finally turned to him for everything - guidance, encouragement, peace, and the greatest love. And it's such a beautiful great thing that when we are faithful to God, we notice that He is faithful to us, forever faithful. But something so amazing can be easily taken for granted. Even though as God grows me and continually reveals new things to my life, it can easily become old. And when that happens, I find that I start trying to rely on myself and my own desires instead of God. I become ambitious, which is by no means a bad thing - you need goals to grow - but what happens is something this quote explains:   
"Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have."
And it finally hit me today that maybe the reason why I'm not as happy as I'm used to being lately is because I'm not trusting that God will give me the things I need, even though He has been doing just that for over half a year. Also, I am a strong believer that selfishness is pretty much the root of all evil and unhappiness. We don't deserve anything good - because we have not been good to the One who created good - and yet He provides it to us in abundant amounts. But as I turn my sights back on Jesus, the One who rescued me, and all of His glory, I'm already feeling so much more at peace with myself and confident about what's to come.

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