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Friday, August 26, 2011

Pop Songs about Jesus

I was listening to "She is Love" by Parachute (listen to the song by clicking on the title) the other day and I realized something big! If the lyrics were changed from "she" to "He" or "her" to "Him" it could be about Jesus's love, in fact the words would be more appropriate if it were about Jesus instead of a girl. Here are the lyrics, transformed slightly:
I've been beaten down, I've been kicked around,
But sHe takes it all for me.
And I lost my faith, in my darkest days,
But sHe makes me want to believe.

They call her Him love, love, love, love, love.
They call her Him love, love, love, love, love.
SHe is love, and sHe is all I need.

Well I had my ways, they were all in vain,
But sHe waited patiently.
It was all the same, all my pride and shame,
And sHe put me on my feet.
They call her Him love, love, love, love, love.
They call her Him love, love, love, love, love.
They call her Him love, love, love, love, love.
SHe is love, and sHe is all I need.

And when that world slows down, dear.
And when those stars burn out, here.
Oh sHe'll be there, yes sHe'll be there,
They call her Him love, love, love, love, love.
They call her Him love, love, love, love, love.
They call her Him love, love, love, love. love.

SHe is love, and sHe is all I need,
SHe is love, and sHe is all I need, 
SHe is love, and sHe is all I need.
This is pretty much a perfect song about what Jesus embodies for us. Literally, every single line in this song is a perfect representation of Jesus and what he does for us with his love. As you read the verses, I think it becomes blatantly obvious how Jesus totally did those things for us, and that a person could never replicate that to an extent even close. Let's take a look specifically at the first verse, the bridge, and the repeating chorus:

I've been beaten down, I've been kicked around,
But sHe takes it all for me. (Jesus did that on the cross. He took all our sin and all our pain by pouring all His love on me - as in, you - by dying for us. To be honest, I don't even really get this line. Another human could never take all of your pain. I guess they could help alleviate it with encouragement and love, but no one can just take it all for you. And it's okay, because Jesus already did.)
And I lost my faith, in my darkest days,
But sHe makes me want to believe. (We do lose a grip on our faith sometimes, and we do hit rough patches in life where it seems like there is not light or good in the world, but truly and honestly, Jesus is an inspiration, He is hope, He is what we believe in and why we believe in goodness. Jesus constantly makes me want to believe in life being better.)

And when that world slows down, dear.
And when those stars burn out, here.
Oh sHe'll be there, yes sHe'll be there. (When the stars literally burn out, when the world comes to an end, Jesus is all that remains. Yes, He will be there.)

They call her Him love, love, love, love, love. (x3)
SHe is love, and sHe is all I need. (You've probably noticed by now that Parachute repeats "love" over and over and OVER; they almost seem like they're overusing it. In fact, they use it 40 times - I counted. :) This is clearly some crazy amazing love they're talking about. But really look at this recurring chorus phrase. They call Him love. He is love. He is all I  need. It's so true. We do call Jesus love, because he IS love, he embodies it, it's what he lived for, it's what he does, and His love makes us beloved. And yup, He IS all we need and will ever need. His love overpowers anything that another human could pour on us, His love overpowers Satan's hatred and lies. He is love and He is all we need.)
Although I understand a lot of these phrases in the song are metaphors for how great the songwriter views the love of a girl, the metaphors are just too exaggerated. This could never be a song about a girl, because no girl, no human could ever be this perfect for us, it just isn't possible. But as a man, and also as God, Jesus was this for us. If we take the metaphors literally, it's Jesus' love exactly. Can you think of any other pop songs out there that talk about a perfect love that no person could ever give, except Jesus? People want that perfect love, they envision it all the time - they sing about it! - but you can't get it from another human being. We are simply too flawed! And the amazing thing is Jesus already showed it to us, we just need to truly understand how perfect his love is.

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